Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monster A Day : Tangerine

Meet Tangerine! She may well be the sunshine to your spotless mind. She is lively and fun. She is very spontaneous  and unpredictable. She loves colour and is usually quite chaotic when it comes to everyday life and a bit of a dramaqueen. She has not been adopted yet and lives in the Krakk adoption agency.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monster A Day : Flo

This is Flo! She is a lot of fun. She loves to sing and dance. She is a brilliant dancer and masters all of her feet beautifully on the dancefloor. She is always happy and cheerful and is sure to bring some joy to whomever chooses to adopt her. She has not been adopted yet and lives in the Krakk adoption agency.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Monster A Day : Bongo

This is Bongo. He is a colourful character. He likes noise, the more noise the better. He has a long bendable neck so he can easily spy over you shoulder. He is a great dancer and loves salsa. He also loves to eat hamburgers. Bongo has not been adopted yet and lives in the Krakk adoption agency in Reykjavik.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Monster A Day : Willy

This is Willy. He is the second monster in our Monster A Day series. He is a punk rocker that loves to rock. Music is his passion and he plays electric guitar and drums. He is also a fantastic singer. He has a crazy spirit and is usually up for anything. Willy has not been adopted yet and lives in the Krakk adoption agency in Reykjavik.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monster A Day : Peekaboo

This is Peekaboo. He has the privilege of being the first introduced in our Monster A Day series from the Monsterville flight last saturday. He is a fun loving monster that loves to slouch around your house and eat all the licorice he can find. He is very clumsy, with his long hands and feet he often finds himself in knots and falling down, but he always gets right back up. He has a cheerful spirit and loves to play hide and seek and as his name states he never gets tired of playing peekaboo. Peekaboo has been adopted and now lives in the center of Reykjavik.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monsterville flight landed!

The Monsterville flight finally arrived last saturday afternoon bringin new and happy monsters to the Krakk adoption agency. They were very tired after the flight and have been resting. All the paperwork is being worked on and they should be ready to show themselves later this week.
We will be posting their existence here on our blog one at a time to give them all a chance to shine. We have decided to post a monster a day as each of them has their own story and deserve to be introduced properly. 

Friday, March 6, 2009

Protesters cause delays on flights from Monsterville!

Alert Newson reports for the Daily Monster:

Protesters have been protesting in front of the Krakk clinic and hospital in Monsterville. Flights had been scheduled to leave for the adoption agency Krakk located in Reykjavik earlier this week. Protesters don't approve with the clinics treatment of old plushies that are currently being renewed into a new generation of monster plushies.
The clinic has stated that no plushies are harmed during the process of renewal and that rejected plushies are very hurt and need a lot of psychological treatment and repair before being able to go back to the harsh world of plushies.
The renewal process is just a step closer to the full recovery for the rejected plushies as it gives them added confidence and a chance to start over and find a new family where they can be loved.
The clinic invited all protesters to visit and witness the whole process to assure them that no harm was being done. Protesters left satisfied and are now eager to promote the clinics acts of saving rejected plushies and bringing them a whole new life.
The flights are now scheduled to arrive tomorrow afternoon.

New monsters in the making!

We are expecting a flight arriving from Monsterville. All new monster plushies we be on the flight. We are very excited to meet them and give them a home until they are adopted by a loving family.